How to Add Google Analytics to PrestaShop

Do you want to add Google Analytics to PrestaShop? Google Analytics is a powerful analytical tool that provides detailed information about the traffic your website receives. It is the perfect tool to see if your website is reaching the right audience.

And of course, as one of the most popular analytical tools available, you better believe there is a module you can add to PrestaShop.

Today, I will demonstrate how to add Google Analytics to PrestaShop with the Google Analytics Module.

Why Add Google Analytics to PrestaShop?

Analytical tools are extremely useful when trying to grow your online presence. Knowing exactly where your traffic is coming from, how it behaves, and how conversions are happening is extremely helpful.

Without understanding why you are growing, you can not properly expand. For example, just because you stepped up your efforts on Twitter, doesn’t actually mean that is the reason why you are growing.

Google Analytics can show you exactly how many referrals your website is getting from Twitter or any other social media website for that matter. This allows you to appropriately spend your advertising budget on the platform that is benefitting you the most.

Google also allows you to connect your Adwords campaigns to see if your ads are providing a good return-on-investment.

And as an online shop, you want to ensure you are drawing in as many customers as possible.

Installing Google Analytics

The Google Analytics Module is a great addition to any online store using PrestaShop. In fact, it should be one of the first modules you install on the platform.

Click on Modules and Services and select the Modules and Services option.

Modules and Services

Search for Google Analytics in the available search box.

Google Analytics

Locate the Google Analytics Module in the results and click on the “Install” button.

Install Button

Upon installation, you will be asked to select the version you want to use. I always recommend using the latest version, so in this case, that would be version 3.0.

Latest Version

Click on the “Save & Configure” button.

Save and Configure

Configuring Google Analytics

Upon doing so, you will need to enter some information for Google Analytics. If you already have the necessary information, enter it now. However, if not, you will need to obtain it.

Luckily the Module comes with a full tutorial that shows every step of the process. To see it, click on the “How to configure Google Analytics API” button.


This will show you a step-by-step tutorial to obtain the necessary information for the API key.

Once you have the information and key ready, enter it into the appropriate text boxes and click on the “Save and Authenticate” button.

Save and Authenticate

You will now need to pick a Google account and grant it access to view the Analytics data for your website.

Once done, all that’s actually left is to visit your Google Analytics account page. You should now be able to track your website’s traffic in real-time.

Congratulations on successfully adding your PrestaShop website to Google Analytics.

Only the Beginning

This module simply allows Google Analytics to track your website’s traffic. It will not display that information on the dashboard. Instead, you will need to access your Google Analytics account.

Once here, you should begin reading through all of the information available. Understanding what every stat means is essential. Otherwise, you are just looking at numbers and that won’t help you in the slightest.

And there is a lot to go over in Google. Using this data, though, will vastly impact the success of your online store.

What are some of the most important stats that you track in Google Analytics? What other analytics tools do you use in for PrestaShop?

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