WP_Error Class

What is the WP_Error Class in WordPress?

The WP_Error class in WordPress provides developers with a standard way to handle errors in themes, plugins, and core functionality. It allows you to store error codes, messages, and additional data and retrieve them programmatically when needed. This class was introduced in version 2.1.0 to create a consistent error management system.


To use the WP_Error class, you create an instance by calling the constructor. The constructor accepts three optional parameters: an error code ($code), an error message ($message), and additional data ($data).

$error = new WP_Error( 'error_code', 'Error Message', 'Additional Data' );

For example, the code ‘error_code’ serves as an identifier for the error, ‘Error Message’ describes the issue, and ‘Additional Data’ can store supplementary information such as a numeric ID or context about the error.


The WP_Error class uses two internal properties to store errors:

  • $errors contains an associative array in which error codes act as keys, and their corresponding values are error messages.
  • $error_data contains supplementary data associated with each error code, organized similarly.


Several methods are available to manage errors:

  • add( $code, $message, $data ): Adds a new error to the object, including its code, message, and optional data.
  • add_data( $data, $code ): Adds or updates additional data for a specific error code.
  • remove( $code ): Deletes all error messages and data associated with a specific code. This was added in version 4.1.
  • get_error_codes(): Retrieves all error codes currently stored in the object.
  • get_error_code(): Returns the first error code, if available.
  • get_error_messages( $code = ” ): Fetches all error messages for a given code. If no code is provided, all error messages are returned.
  • get_error_message( $code = ” ): Returns the first error message for a given code, or the first available message if no specific code is provided.
  • get_error_data( $code ): Retrieves the data associated with an error code.

Checking for Errors

The is_wp_error() function determines if a value is an instance of the WP_Error class. This is frequently used to ensure returned values from WordPress functions are not errors.

if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) {
echo $result->get_error_message();

The example above checks whether $result is a WP_Error object and outputs its message.

Practical Implementation

The WP_Error class is widely used in plugin and theme development to streamline error handling in various scenarios, such as user form validation and API responses.

Form Validation Example

You can use the WP_Error class to handle invalid form submissions.

$form_error = new WP_Error();
if ( empty( $_POST['email'] ) ) {
$form_error->add( 'missing_email', 'The email field is required.' );
if ( ! is_email( $_POST['email'] ) ) {
$form_error->add( 'invalid_email', 'Please provide a valid email address.' );
if ( is_wp_error( $form_error ) && $form_error->get_error_codes() ) {
foreach ( $form_error->get_error_messages() as $message ) {
echo '' . esc_html( $message ) . '';

This code verifies a form submission, adds error messages for invalid input, and outputs them if any errors exist.

Handling API Errors

The WP_Error class is also used to ensure proper handling of external API responses. For example:

$response = wp_remote_get( $api_url );
if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) {
$api_error = new WP_Error();
$api_error->add( 'api_request_failed', 'API request failed.', $response->get_error_message() );

This snippet checks the response from a wp_remote_get() request and adds an error if the response is invalid.

Integration with Core Functions

Many WordPress core functions use the WP_Error class to manage and return errors. For instance, wp_insert_post() or wp_create_user() may return a WP_Error object if something fails during execution. Using is_wp_error() allows you to validate the return values of such functions.

$post_id = wp_insert_post( $post_data );
if ( is_wp_error( $post_id ) ) {
echo 'Error: ' . $post_id->get_error_message();

This ensures your code can gracefully handle scenarios where the operation does not succeed.

By providing consistent methods for error creation and retrieval, the WP_Error class improves error handling and debugging during WordPress development.

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