What Makes Our Servers Different

Hello Everyone,

I love talking to people on the phone because it is obvious how passionate I am about the level of service we provide here. I think the most frequent question I get is “Why should I choose GreenGeeks?. While you could read our why us page, I wanted to point out a few things that separates our servers from other companies. Over the past year, we have been working hard to continue to provide servers that are secure, stable, and efficient. These improvements have allowed us to deliver a greater level of service to our clients, and it really shows. So what exactly sets us apart?

  • We have been utilizing cloud kernel technology in all of our shared servers to ensure that each user is separated from one another. This has significantly improved server uptime and one user being able to slow down the entire server.
  • Security has always been important for us, so we are now implementing a piece of software that gives each user their own fully functioning file system on the server. This provides incredibly enhanced server security and reduces the risk of damage from script exploits.
  • Our servers are never overloaded. While other hosting companies throw as many customers as they can on a server, this is never the case with us. Our years of experience have given us the knowledge to distribute clients evenly. We know that cutting corners is not the way to do business, and we want you to have the best hosting experience possible. I speak to customers all the time who come from hosts that don’t seem to understand this, and they always love their server performance when moving to us.
  • Our servers are monitored every second by third party networks to ensure uptime, performance, disk integrity, and many other monitoring metrics. We know that every second your site is down or slow is detrimental for your website, so we take monitoring of our server fleet very seriously.
  • We only utilize the best server hardware and network. Our cutting edge processors and RAID-10 disk drives ensure the best possible server speed. Our American and Canadian data facilities are some of the best in the world. These superior networks are critical in giving your site the fastest loading times possible.

These are just some of the many things we do to give you the best experience possible. Superior networks and hardware are not an inexpensive thing to provide at such affordable pricing, but we strive to continue to deliver this superior hosting service to you at the best price we can.

Best Regards,


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