Light Bulb Efficiency Regulations Will Be Cut

Light Bulb Efficiency

In 2007, the Energy Independence and Security Act established new efficiency standards. In particular, lighting was required to use 25% less energy and was put into effect in 2012. This helps guide light bulb efficiency and contributes to sustainability.

However, this regulation will now be undone.

This joins the long list of rollbacks that the current administration is doing. This will allow manufacturers to sell cheaper, but less energy-efficient bulbs to the public. In general, this will cost consumers more due to the amount of wasted energy, and often, bulb replacements.

Why Make This Change

The rationale behind this rollback is simple. The idea is that by easing these regulations, it will grant companies the freedom to produce cheaper light bulbs. On top of this, it will increase the number of products that consumers can choose from.

While both of these points are correct to a certain degree, the idea that a consumer will “save” money is incorrect. In reality, if a household changed 15 energy-inefficient light bulbs to slightly more expensive energy-efficient ones, that household could save up to $50 dollars a year.

This completely eclipses the difference in initial costs.

However, on top of saving money, it also lowers the overall demand for energy. This will help reduce how much power is generated, which in turn, will help reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the energy sector.

Overall, less light bulb efficiency will end up costing consumers more money and accelerate climate change.

The List of Rollbacks is Growing

Long List

This is just the latest in a long and growing list of environmental rollbacks the current administration is enforcing. Unfortunately, they do not believe the pile of evidence that supports and explains what is happening to our climate.

However, this does not just occur at home. These efforts are at an international level as well. The United States is the first and only country to leave the Paris Agreement.

Furthermore, that will make it the only country in the world to not accept the framework for a sustainable future.

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