Hurricane Harvey: Its impact on GreenGeeks & Our Relief Effort

Unless you have been living under a rock, you’ve most certainly have heard about Hurricane Harvey and the devastation it has caused in Houston, Texas and the surrounding areas.

The Impact

Hurricane Harvey dumped an estimated 27 trillion gallons of water on Texas and Lousiana and is looking to be one of the most damaging natural disasters in U.S history. Tens of thousands have been forced to evacuate their homes and while we won’t know the ultimate toll on life and property for sometime, current estimates are pegging $75 billion dollars worth of damage — even worse, the death toll continues to rise.

The Impact to GreenGeeks

The impacts of Hurricane Harvey hits close to home for GreenGeeks, a rather large portion of our team is located in Texas, particularly in Houston — good news is that our team has been accounted for and is safe. Our decision to diversify our staff across the globe meant that we were able to continue to support our customers during a disaster, albeit, slower than normal.

Climate Change

GreenGeeks has always been part of the community. We’ve stepped up and made an effort to bring awareness to disasters, causes and other events which impacts us all. It’s our duty as a company with a voice and simply because we’re human. While the debate on climate change, its impact on the environment and natural disasters such as Hurricane Harvey is on-going, we are in the opinion that it doesn’t hurt to be conscious of the environment. Making small changes lead to big impacts. Web hosting being a prime example. Its impact on the environment is huge, and not many people know about this.

What We’re Doing

In support of those in need, GreenGeeks will be donating $1 from every sale in September to the American Red Cross. You can directly make a donation by going to the Hurricane Harvey Relief Donation Page.



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