Hey everyone, how about $75 in free AdLeads credits? Exclusively for GreenGeeks customers!
As the newest GreenGeeks partner, we’re excited to take a moment here to introduce AdLeads by Pontiflex. Since their launch in 2008, Pontiflex has been pioneering the art of performance-based advertising on both web and mobile. Rather than sell accidental clicks or meaningless impressions, they believe in something far more valuable called sign-up ads.
Hmmm…What ‘s a sign-up ad?
A sign-up ad allows a customer to sign-up, or opt-in, to hear more from an interesting business. We’ve arranged a special deal currently offering GreenGeeks customers $75 in free ad credits. Within minutes, AdLeads help you create a campaign that’ll run across top Android and iPhone apps. When users are interested in your offer, be it a coupon or a newsletter, they sign-up… allowing you to follow-up via email, whenever it’s convenient.
Email is an essential element in all marketing mixes, and AdLeads provides the most affordable and efficient way to grow your lists; companies ranging from Southwest Airlines and Ikea to cafes and online clothing shops rely on them to generate more than 150,000 sign-ups every day, due to one big reason: emails drive sales.
Great! So how do I get my AdLeads $75 FREE ad credits?
- Signup for a web hosting account if you haven’t already done so 🙂
- Log into the account manager.
- Click on the promotional offers link on the navigation bar.
- Under Marketing and Promotions, click on AdLeads and follow on-screen instructions.
Just another perk that comes with hosting at GreenGeeks. Enjoy the credits and happy marketing!
Hi everyone –
Just wanted to say how excited we are about this partnership – if anyone has any questions as they get their AdLeads accounts set up, please feel free to email us at [email protected]
Hayden Simmons
Director of Business Development
Great promotional offer! Just redeemed it and I’m excited to see the results!
Do you have to cancel at anytime in order to avoid being charged? Or will the free service stop after $75 worth of marketing? Thanks!
Hey Lyric, sorry for the delay – just run the campaign to completion. If you want more leads, you can always run another, but you can stop at any time
Thanks for checking us out