The buses in Britain are about to give green transportation a whole new meaning. The Go-Ahead Group is rolling out its Air Filtering Bus, which is capable of sucking in fine particle matter out of the air.
The buses are expected to launch this summer in various cities and towns around the country. Each one will be equipped with three fans on the roof which are capable of removing PM10 from the air as the bus moves around on its route.
What Is PM10?
PM10 is particulate material that is less than or equal to 10 micrometers. Particles of this size can be breathed in by humans and animals, which damage our lungs.
These can cause serious health problems including asthma and bronchitis. This is especially true when children breathe them in since their lungs are still developing.
These particles are released as a byproduct of many human activities. In particular, transportation and construction are the most common creators. Thus, it is only fitting that transportation also cleans up after itself.
It is also important to mention that there are even smaller particles called PM2.5. These are much smaller and as a result, can do more harm than PM10. However, due to the size of the particle, they are extremely difficult to collect from the air.
Prior Success
A test bus was launched in Southhampton and it was wildly successful.
In a one-hundred day period, the bus was able to clean 3.2 cubic meters of city air. And in the process, collected 65g of pollutants.
While 65g might not sound like a lot, it is very impressive when you remember these are particles equal to or less than 10 micrometers. With more buses in routes, air pollution is expected to fall.
However, one concern is that these buses run on a diesel engine. If they were electric, it would make the buses in Britain the ultimate green machine.